Mom and Baby Locked Inside Urgent Care Clinic Overnight


An urgent care facility locked up for the night leaving a mother and her 4-month-old son inside.

A Washington-based urgent care center recently committed a big no-no when it closed for the night, forgetting that a mother and her 4-month-old son were still inside the facility.

Savannah Lewitt brought her son, Kason, to the MultiCare Puyallup Urgent Care seeking a chest X-ray for her baby’s cough, according toFox News.

After an hour-long wait, Lewitt and Kason were placed in an exam room, where the nurse took the boy’s vitals before relaying that a physician would be in to assist them in about 10 minutes,Inside Editionreported.

“She said it would be 10 minutes or so,” Lewitt toldInside Edition. “I changed his diaper and gave him a bottle. I looked at the clock, it was 30 minutes later.”

When Lewitt went to ask a nurse what was taking so long, to her surprise, she found the building to be deserted and the lights shut off.

“I realized it was dark in the office,” Lewitt said in the interview. “I grabbed my son and walked through the building saying hello. I broke down crying and called my mom-in-law.”

Upon exiting the building, Lewitt ended up tripping the alarm, according toFox. Luckily, a member of the cleaning crew was there to let them out and she met security by the door.

“It was terrifying just to know you are alone in there,” Lewitt toldInside. “My son was having trouble breathing. What if I was back there and he would’ve stopped breathing? No one was there. It angered me. I’ve worked in the nursing field and how do you forget about a patient?”

Although Lewitt said she is not mad at the organization as a whole, reportedInside, she stated that the act was negligent on the part of the nurse.

Since the incident, MultiCare issued a statement toKOMO News.

“While it is clear from the facts known at this time that routine protocols were not followed during the clinic closing process, we will be conducting a thorough investigation to determine why those protocols were skipped as the clinic closed for the evening.”

A spokesperson for MultiCare toldKomothat the company has installed a new protocol that requires every room and door to be checked immediately before leaving the clinic.

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