Chronic Care
FDA Grants Approval to Lucentis for Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
The FDA approved the first and only drug to treat all forms of diabetic retinopathy.
Beneficial Effects of Fresh Fruit Consumption on Diabetes, Vascular Complications
Study findings suggest that a higher intake of fresh fruit is potentially beneficial for primary and secondary prevention of diabetes.
Intestinal Microbiota's Protective Role Against Type 2 Diabetes
Indolepropionic acid may be a potential biomarker for the development of T2D.
Massage Therapy Could Be an Effective Treatment Option for Lower Back Pain
Real-world massage therapy produces meaningful results for treating patients with low back pain.
Atopic Dermatitis: Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!
Patients need to moisturize constantly and keep skin supple because often moisturization alone can resolve mild atopic dermatitis.
Screening for Celiac Disease Not Recommended for Asymptomatic Patients
The US Task force concluded that there was not enough evidence to recommend screening for everybody.
Selecting an Inhaler: Matching the Device with the Patient's Abilities
Common inhalers and the things health care providers need to know about them.
FDA Approves Add-On Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
Safinamide (Xadago) receives FDA approval to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease when their medications are not working well.
As Tuberculosis Cases Decline in Europe, HIV/TB Coinfections Rise
HIV/TB coinfections rise 40% across Europe over the last 5 years.
The Future of Telemedicine in Multiple Sclerosis Patient Care
One-year pilot study to examine a home-based telemedicine program for patients with MS.
Easy-to-Use Glucose Monitoring, Maintenance Device for Diabetes
System provides a novel closed-loop solution for noninvasive sweat-based diabetes management.
Nurses Are Key to Patient Uptake of Diabetes Treatment
Enhancing the role of nurses can reduce delays in early adoption of insulin treatment.
New COPD Guideline: Act Early, Treat Aggressively
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2017 guideline revised to make several significant changes.
Dupilumab Improves Skin Lesion Clearance in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
Late-breaking data presented at the American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting.
Autoimmune Diseases Associated with Higher Risk of Dementia
Patients with autoimmune diseases were 20% more likely to be admitted to a hospital with dementia in the future.
Alternative Theory for the Root Cause of Type 1 Diabetes
Beta cells found to be responsible for the immune response that leads to diabetes.
Do You Have “Clinical Inertia� 10 Facts to Jumpstart Diabetes Care
Retail health clinicians need to be mindful of “clinical inertia, or the failure to intensify treatment in the face of unacceptable glycemic control.
Maternal Genital Herpes Infection Linked to Risk for Autism
Inflammation and immune activation may contribute to the risk of developing autism.
Serum Vitamin B12 Monitoring Needed Among Long-Term Metformin Users
Adults taking metformin for type 2 diabetes are less likely to be tested for vitamin B12 status.
Sodium-Restricted Diet Improves Systolic Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Dietary advice and low-sodium meals helps reduce blood pressure.
Gastric Bypass Surgery Promotes Type 2 Diabetes Remission
Bariatric surgery plus intensive medical therapy superior to intensive therapy alone.
Educational Campaign Launched to Increase Awareness of Link Between Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes
Two of 3 adults with type 2 diabetes do not know that heart disease is the number 1 of killer of individuals with the disease.
Fish Oil Shows Benefit in Asthma
Omega-3 fatty acids may help fight asthma.
Diabulimia Prevalence Among Young Women
Individuals with diabetes have a higher risk of developing an eating disorder.
Potential Target Identified for Future Asthma Treatments
Low levels of protein in individuals with asthma, identified as an epithelial-derived smooth muscle-relaxing factor.
Skin-Graft Harvesting System Speeds Chronic Wound Recovery
Technique may improve wound healing and reduce health care costs.
Evidence-Based Medicine May Reduce Overtreatment in Type 2 Diabetes
Call to action for the implementation of evidence-based medicine.
New Guidelines Released for Diabetic Neuropathy Care
Prevention and treatment recommendations on diabetic neuropathy for primary care providers.
Insulin Increases Risk of Thromboembolic Events in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Need for insulin therapy may be an independent factor affecting AF-related stroke/systemic embolism occurrence.
Functional MRI Scan Better Predicts Patient Response to Antidepressants
Cognitive tests and fMRI scans help identify whether patients will respond to antidepressant therapy.