Preventive Care
Perceived Discrimination May Reduce Flu Vaccination Rates Among Minority Populations
Patients who belong to racial or ethnic minority groups are less likely to receive an annual flu shot, possibly because of perceived discrimination.
All Women of Childbearing Age Should Take Daily Folic Acid Supplement
Any woman capable of becoming pregnant should consider taking a daily supplement of folic acid.
3 Lesser-Known Benefits of Exercise
Exercise is known to help patients lose weight and manage cholesterol, but many patients may be unaware of the other benefits of being physically active.
Should Asymptomatic Patients Be Screened for Celiac?
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants working in retail clinics may not need to recommend celiac disease screening for patients lacking symptoms, including those at increased risk.
Potential Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise in Early Trial
Although no malaria vaccine is currently available, an experimental one has potential to protect patients against the deadly infection.
New Gardasil Vaccine Reduces HPV-Related Cancer Incidence
The new 9-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may be able to reduce a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer.
How Retail Clinicians Can Ensure HPV Vaccine Series Completion
The 3-dose human papillomavirus vaccine series is recommended for all children aged 11 years and older, but miscommunication between health care providers and patients is preventing series completion for many.
Peanut Butter Consumption Could Prevent Childhood Obesity
Consuming a moderate amount of peanuts or peanut butter could prevent childhood obesity.
How Clinicians Can Help Prevent Drug Resistance
Although many retail clinicians treat their patients’ infections by prescribing them the highest tolerable dose of antibiotics, this may not be the best practice for preventing the evolution of drug-resistant diseases.
Parents Undervalue Flu Vaccine
Nearly 20,000 children aged 5 years or younger are hospitalized for influenza-related complications each year, yet many parents remain uncertain of the flu vaccine’s importance or safety.
Expanded Vaccine Use May Reap Economic Benefits
Expanding the use of vaccines could provide significant economic benefits that far outweigh the costs of immunization.
Preventing Flu Spread During Super Bowl Parties
Those planning to watch the Super Bowl with fellow football fans should be aware of the increased risk for catching or transmitting the flu during these parties.
How Retail Clinicians Can Help Prevent Postsurgical Complications
Although postsurgical complications are often a major concern for patients planning to undergo a procedure, retail clinicians are ideally placed to provide counseling on ways to prevent them.
5 Things Clinicians Should Know About Food Allergies
Food allergies are a major concern for parents with young children, and many are taking their kids to local retail clinics for guidance on how to treat or even prevent these allergies.
How Retail Clinicians Can Help Smokers Quit
Many smokers may be resolving to turn over a new leaf in 2016 by kicking the habit for good.
Helicopter Parenting Has No Place in Retail Clinics
Parents can empower their teens to improve their health by allowing them to take the lead in asking and answering questions during regular check-ups.
Retail Clinicians Can Prevent Heart Disease in Children with Allergies
Children with allergic disorders may have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, even at an early age.
5 Ways Clinicians Can Help Patients Lose Weight
As Americans finish their Thanksgiving leftovers and turn their thoughts to the holiday season, many have resolved to shed a few pounds after New Year's Day.
New Tools Could Identify Diabetes Complication Risk
Two recently-created algorithms could provide retail clinicians with a new tool to evaluate a patient's risk of developing complications from diabetes.
Some Expectant Mothers Unsure of Child Vaccine Schedules
Despite parents' growing understanding of the importance of childhood vaccines, a number of first-time expectant mothers do not plan to adhere to the recommended immunization schedule for their children.
4 Tips to Raise Travel Vaccine Rates
Many Americans fail to receive recommended vaccines for infectious disease such as measles and hepatitis A before traveling abroad.
More Type 2 Diabetes Screening Advised for Overweight, Obese Adults
Clinicians now have a larger window of opportunity to prevent type 2 diabetes in at-risk patients.
Nurse Practitioners Prevent Hospital Admissions Among Diabetics
Nurse practitioners are comparable with primary care physicians in curbing preventable hospitalizations among older patients with diabetes.
Flu Vaccination Lacking Among Pregnant Women
Only about 50% of pregnant women get vaccinated before or during their pregnancy.
Flu Vaccine Could Help Prevent Pneumonia
Data from a recent study suggest that the influenza vaccine decreases the incidence of hospitalization with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).
Multiple Sclerosis Could Be Delayed by Sun Exposure
Recent research out of The Netherlands looked to determine if sun exposure in adolescence could delay the onset of MS.
FDA to Collaborate with Hip-Hop Culture in Anti-Smoking Campaign
A new campaign is directed at teens in the multicultural hip-hop crowd who are, unfortunately, frequently exposed to tobacco marketing.
Insulin Pens: Shaken, Not Stirred
Insulin levels differed by up to 23% and glycemic control varied up to 62% depending on whether the pen was shaken or not.
Vaccines Aren't Just for Children
Older adults are lagging behind when it comes to vaccination rates.
2015-16 Flu Vaccine Updates
This year's vaccine against the flu is likely to be more effective.